There are things that you need to know about pool safety even if you do not own a pool. A friend or neighbors pool or even a public pool can be a dangerous place. Recognize a dangerous situation and teach your child pool safety.
CHLORINE - Keep your pool's chlorine level between one and four parts per million. Too much chlorine can cause increased allergies and asthma.
A strong chlorine smell does not mean that enough or too much chlorine is being used. The strong smell can actually mean that the pool's pH is not properly balanced or that not enough chlorine is being used.
Even a properly balanced pool may not kill all germs. Some germs found in diarrhea and other bodily secretions may not be killed fast enough and can still be passed along to others. Sick people should not swim. Everyone should bathe before entering the pool.
INFLATABLES - Keep the number of inflatable objects in your pool to a minimum if you have children in the pool. Inflatable objects entice non or inexperienced swimmers into the deep end. Kids can get trapped under inflatable objects and not seen until they have drowned. Inflatables are not life saving devices. When children are in the pool and/or inflatables are being used, a competent adult should be supervising. Proper pool safety can save lives.
POOLS - Send your children to swim at a public pool rather than a friends house. They will be much safer with a lifeguard on duty. 65% of drownings occur at home and 33% occur at friends or family pools, only 2% occur at public pools. Public pools also require children to get out periodically for a rest break. Never leave your child to be supervised by a teenager under the age of eighteen.
Proper pool safety rules can save your life or the life of your child.
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